Signboard donated by the late Noreen Schanck

in memory of her husband, J. Leon Schanck

Schedule of Activities

Kids' C.L.U.B./Sunday School:  10 am during school year. 

                                           Children start at Worship service and

                                           after Children's message, go to their

                                           respective classes.


WORSHIP SERVICE:  10 am Traditional Reformed Worship

                                   Holy Communion every 1st Sunday


FELLOWSHIP HOUR:  11 am - Members take turns hosting


BIBLE STUDY  See updated schedule on the News and Events page.




PASTORAL CARE:    Call office (see phone # at left)

                                and leave message.

                                Someone will get back to you.


PRAYER CONCERNS:    Email or write us and your request will be

                                     included in the Sunday prayer concerns.



                                     Bayshore Lunch Program

                                    Mon./Weds./Fri. - 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

                                    Thurs. - 12:30 to 1:00 p.m.



Principe de Paz is a Spanish speaking congregation which worships in our Sanctuary on Sundays at 12 noon.                              


Information on other upcoming church activities can be found on the "News and Events" page of the website!